Some highlights of the animations and design I've produced for Film Production.
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Poster - designed for the Querencia web series, to be used on streaming platforms, social media and for print. The Director wanted a fun poster that captured the love story between the two main characters, I presented this photo booth idea and she loved it!

Band Posters created for the sets in the DEANER '89 Feature Film

Beauty Product labels created for Spencer Sisters Season 1 Episode 9

Better At Texting Short Film - digital design and animation of text graphics created for use in post production, integration with live-action footage.

Poster - designed for the Melaleuca Feature Film

Vulva T Shirt Illustrated and designed for the Melaleuca Feature Film

Magazine Spread designed for the Melaleuca Feature Film

ScienceCon Branding and ticket design for Meet Me Under the Mistletoe MOW

ScienceCon laptop and mobile graphics created for Meet Me Under the Mistletoe MOW

Branding for fictional restaurant for The Magic of Lemon Drops MOW

Branding for fictional restaurant for The Magic of Lemon Drops MOW

Branding of fictional company for The Magic of Lemon Drops MOW

Mountain Laurel Realty Branding created for Meet Me Under the Mistletoe MOW

Sammy's Cafe Branding and exterior and interior signage created for Meet Me Under the Mistletoe MOW

Newspaper Spread created for a prop for the Melaleuca Feature Film

Cereal package design created for props for the Melaleuca Feature Film

Screen graphics created for props for the Melaleuca Feature Film

Social Media App - created for a mobile prop for the Querencia web series

Mountain Laurel Realty mug design for a prop for Meet Me Under the Mistletoe MOW

Photos - rendered a photo composite of two characters together using separate pictures, for use in production for the Querencia web series.
Some of the motion graphics and interactive motion graphics I created for the the Spencer Sisters Season 1 TV series that aired on CTV.
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Unlock Prototype: Spencer Sisters Season 1
Mobile Interactive Prototype used for filming.
Created the screens, used After Effects for face ID animation, Protopie for prototype implementation.
Audio Animation: Spencer Sisters Season 1
Mobile Playback Animation used for filming.
Animated in After Effects.
Some of the graphics and animations, including title animation created for the the Querencia web series
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